Foundations of Community Solar Development

Part of the Community Power Accelerator Training Series


solar panels in a field

Foundations of Community Solar Development is a free, asynchronous, online course designed to support the accelerated development of community solar. It is modeled after the Community Power Accelerator instructor-led Learning Lab: Community Solar Development which, as of August 2024, has trained more than 150 individuals across six cohorts. Demand for the Learning Lab course has consistently exceeded capacity constraints, prompting the development of its widely accessible, self-paced model.

Like the Learning Lab, this Foundations course is built around the Community Power Accelerator's Credit-Ready Checklist and Low- to Moderate-Income (LMI) Solar Developer Workbook, developed by the Center for Impact Finance and Housing Sustainability Advisors in collaboration with nine other expert organizations in the community development field. Over eight modules, the training prepares community-based organizations, small or new solar developers, and others to develop, finance, and build credit-ready community solar projects that deliver benefits to low-income and disadvantaged communities. Interested participants can enroll and begin the course at any time, and complete as few or as many modules as desired.

Enroll Now in this self-paced training

The Community Power Accelerator is part of the National Community Solar Partnership, a national effort funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to capture the community benefits of community solar. By completing one or more of these trainings, you will become part of a national network of developers, financiers, and community organizations working to expand access to affordable community solar to households. Read more about the Community Power Accelerator Prize and its online marketplace that connects owners, developers, lenders, and philanthropists to support more equitable deployment of community solar. 

  • Introduction to Community Solar
  • Module 1: Regulator and Market Context for Community Solar
  • Module 2: Community Solar Site Selection
  • Module 3: Community Engagement for Community Solar
  • Module 4: Community Solar Development Process and Contracts
  • Module 5: Community Solar Financial Modeling
  • Module 6: Community Solar Asset Management and Operations
  • Module 7: Put Your Knowledge into Action—Community Solar Business Development

Lectures and materials have been developed by experienced practitioners from Housing Sustainability Advisors and other expert organizations in the community solar field:

Additionally, beta testers across a range of experience levels provided feedback on sections of the self-paced course. Thanks to: Tina Carr, Noah Hamaoui, and Isadora Saslavsky Muszkat (AC Power LLC), Bob Dead and Vito Greco (Elevate Energy), Kim Pate (NDN Fund), Sally Rodgers (Bard College), Orran Scruggs (Aunt Katie's Community Garden), Kate Voshell (Capital Impact Partners), Tracy C. Ward (Self-Help), and John Wilson (Community Solar LLC).

Participants who complete all course materials can also apply for a certificate of course completion and a Community Solar Development Professional digital badge — pending the Center for Impact Finance's review of their course materials and a small fee, paid by the participant. Assignments, including a pitch deck reviewing the project plan, structure, financial pro forma, and more will be evaluated by expert reviewers. The reviewers will provide comments on the assignments based on the Credit-Ready Checklist and, if course requirements are fulfilled and the fee is paid, students will receive the certificate. By applying for the certificate of course completion and submitting course materials, participants may also access on-demand technical assistance through the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.



   For more information, contact Center for Impact Finance Trainings, Carsey School of Public Policy, University of New Hampshire.